Ninth ICRANet Workshop



in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of
Enrico Fermi

October 3-7, 2001

ICRA Network Coordinating Center Pescara
and University of Rome "La Sapienza

The meeting covers scientific developments in astrophysics influenced by Fermi’s seminal ideas


The topics will include :

Fermi and general relativity
Thomas-Fermi equation and white dwarfs
The bomb and recent developments on gamma ray bursts
Cosmic rays
Neutrinos in stellar evolution and cosmology
Stochastic processes, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model
Fermi paradox on life in the Universe




                    The meeting covers scientific developments in
                     astrophysics influenced by Fermi’s seminal ideas


The topics will include :

Fermi and general relativity
Thomas-Fermi equation and white dwarfs
The bomb and recent developments on gamma ray bursts
Cosmic rays
Neutrinos in stellar evolution and cosmology
Stochastic processes, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model
Fermi paradox on life in the Universe


Scientific Organizing Committee:

S.Ames, V.Belinski, C.Bernardini, C.Castagnoli, R.Cester, Pisin Chen, P.Chardonnet, D.Christodoulou, G.Coyne, B.Coppi, T.Damour, S.G.Djorgovski, F.Drake, F.Everitt, L.Z.Fang, A.Ferrari, G.M.Fuller, V.L.Ginzburg, V.G.Gurzadyan, F.Halzen, R.Jantzen, A.S.Kahn, I.M.Khalatnikov, J.Kirk, H.Kleinert, R.Kolb, K.Langanke, C.Lattes, E.Lieb, P.Lipari, M.Novello, T.Regge, R.A.Ricci, R.Rosner, R.Ruffini (Chair), S.Serio, L.Stella, R.Sunyaev, F.Thielemann, A.Treves, J.Wilson, G.M. Zaslavsky.


Local Organizing Committee:

C.L.Bianco, D.Bini, C.Cherubini. P.Cipriani, S.Filippi, F.Fraschetti, V.G.Gurzadyan (Chair), G.Montani, S.S.Xue

The proceedings of the workshop will be published in World Scientific Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology edited by L.Z. Fang and R. Ruffini


Deadline for preliminary application: September 1, 2001


V.G.Gurzadyan, ICRA, Dipartimento di Fisica
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185  Roma, Italy