in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the
birth of October 3-7, 2001 ICRA Network Coordinating Center Pescara The
meeting covers scientific developments in astrophysics influenced by Fermi’s seminal
ideas The topics will include : Fermi and general relativity |
meeting covers scientific developments in
The topics will include : Fermi and general relativity
Scientific Organizing Committee: S.Ames, V.Belinski, C.Bernardini, C.Castagnoli, R.Cester, Pisin Chen, P.Chardonnet, D.Christodoulou, G.Coyne, B.Coppi, T.Damour, S.G.Djorgovski, F.Drake, F.Everitt, L.Z.Fang, A.Ferrari, G.M.Fuller, V.L.Ginzburg, V.G.Gurzadyan, F.Halzen, R.Jantzen, A.S.Kahn, I.M.Khalatnikov, J.Kirk, H.Kleinert, R.Kolb, K.Langanke, C.Lattes, E.Lieb, P.Lipari, M.Novello, T.Regge, R.A.Ricci, R.Rosner, R.Ruffini (Chair), S.Serio, L.Stella, R.Sunyaev, F.Thielemann, A.Treves, J.Wilson, G.M. Zaslavsky.
Local Organizing Committee: C.L.Bianco, D.Bini, C.Cherubini. P.Cipriani, S.Filippi, F.Fraschetti, V.G.Gurzadyan (Chair), G.Montani, S.S.Xue The proceedings of the workshop will be published in World Scientific Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology edited by L.Z. Fang and R. Ruffini
Deadline for preliminary application: September 1, 2001
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