on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories.

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Instructions for Submission of Papers for the MG8 Proceedings

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Plenary Speakers Parallel Sessions

List of Registered Participants

Satelite Meetings

Two satelite meeting will take place following MG8:

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Jerusalem, Israel Marcel Grossmann

Since 1975, the Marcel Grossmann Meetings have been organized in order to provide opportunities for discussing recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. The objective of theses meetings is to elicit exchange among scientists that may deepen our understanding of spacetime structures as well as to review the status of ongoing experiments aimed at testing Einstein's theory of gravitation either from the ground or from space. Previous meetings have been held in Trieste (1975) and (1979), Shanghai (1982), Rome (1985), Perth (1988), Kyoto (1991) and Stanford (1994). interested scientists should address a member from any one of the organizing committees or the conference secretariat.

Jerusalem, 22 - 27 June 1997
at the


The cornerstone for Hebrew University was laid in 1918 on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem and the University opened its gates in 1925. The university operates today four campuses with nearly 23,000 students. The conference will take place in the Givat Ram campus that houses the Science faculty. Albert Einstein who help founding the University was a member of the first board of trustees. Einstein's archives are kept today at the National Library at Givat Ram.

Co-Sponsored by

International Organizing Committee:

D. Blair, Y. Choquet-Bruhat, D. Christodoulou, T. Damour, J. Ehlers, F. Everitt, Fang Li Zhi, S. Hawking, Y. Ne'eman, R. Ruffini (chair), A. Salam, H. Sato, R. Sunayev, S. Weinberg

Local Organizing Committee:

J. Bekenstein, M. Carmeli, A. Casher, A. Dar, A. Dekel, J. Horwitz, J. Katz, M. Milgron, S. Nussinov, A. Ori, T. Piran (chair), C. Sonnenschein

Local Scientific Secretariat:

S. Ayal, H. El-Ad, S. Hod, S. Kobayashi, R. Sari

International Coordinating Committee Bob Jantzen (chair)

ARGENTINA: Chimento L.P., Jakubi A.S.; ARMENIA: Gurzadyan V.; AUSTRALIA: Fackerell E.D.,Lun T., Manchester R., Opat G., Scott S., Szekeres P.; AUSTRIA: Urbantke H.; AZERBAIJAN: Seidov Z.F.; BELGIUM: Henneaux M.; BELORUSSIA: Inkevich A.V.; BOLIVIA: Aguirre C.; BRAZIL: Aguiar O., Novello M., Villela T.; CANADA: Cooperstock F., Israel W., Unruh W.; CHILE: Teitelboim C.; CHINA: Gao J.G., Cheng Fu Zhen, Li Qibin; COLOMBIA: Torres S.; COSTA RICA: de Teramond G.; CZECK REPUBLIC: Bicak J.; CROATIA: Tadic Z.; DENMARK: Novikov I.; ECUADOR: Hoeneissen B.; EL SALVADOR: Violini G.; ESTONIA: Einasto J.; FRANCE: Deruelle N., Iliopoulos J., Mignard F.; GEORGIA: Kharadze E.K.; GERMANY: Hehl F.H., Hillebrandt W., Neugebauer G.; GREECE: Kotsakis, S.; HONG KONG: Yu A.; HUNGARY: Perjes Z.; INDIA: Chitre S.M., Narlikar J., Radakrishnan, ; IRELAND: O'Murchada N.; ISRAEL: Finzi A., Jamer M., Peres A.; ITALY: Preparata G., Regge T., Treves A.; JAPAN: Fujimoto M., Futamase T., Nakamura T., Sasaki M., Sato K., Tomimatsu A.; KAZACHSTAN: Abdildin A.M.; KOREA: Cho Y.M., Lee C.H., Song D.J.; KYRGYZSTAN: Gurovich;V.Ts.; LITHUANIA: Pyragas K.A.; MEXICO: Plebanski J., Rosenbaum M., Ryan M.; MOLDOVA: Chernigovsky S., Gaina A.; MORROCO: Chamcham K.; NETHERLANDS: Berends F.A.; POLAND: Demianski M., Sokolowski L., Trautman A.; ROMANIA: Visinescu M.; RUSSIA: Bisnovatyi-Kogan G.S., Boyarchuck A.A., Chechetkin V.M., Khriplovich Yu.B., Melnikov V., Starobinsky A.A.; SLOVENIA: Cadez A; SPAIN: Ibanez J., Perez-Mercader J., Verdaguer E.; SOUTH AFRICA: Maharaj S.; SWEDEN: Rosquist K.; SWITZERLAND: Hajicek P., Jetzer P.; TAIWAN: Ni W.T.; TURKEY: Nutku Y.; UK: Barrow J., Gibbons G.W, Ross G.; UKRAINE: Fomin P.I.; USA: Ashtekar A., Bardeen J., DeWitt-Morette C., Finkelstein D., Frieman J., Halpern L., Hellings R., Klauder J., Mashhoon B., Nordtvedt K., Parker L., Schwarz J., Shapiro I., Smoot G., Teukolsky S., Thorne K.S., York J.; UZBEKISTAN: Zalaletdinov R.M.; VATICAN CITY: Stoeger W.; VENEZUELA: Percoco U.; VIETNAM: Van Hieu Nguyen; YUGOSLAVIA: Sijacki D.


Over five days the Symposium will include invited review talks on the major topics along with contributed presentations describing current research in the many sub-fields represented. Contributed papers will be presented in parallel sessions and in poster format.

For Further Information

General Information, Jerusalem calendar or contact:

Prof. Tsvi Piran
Racah Inst. of Physics
Hebrew Univ.
Jerusalem 91904
Phone: +972-(0)2-658 4233
FAX: +972-(0)2-561 1519

Conference secretariat:
P.O. Box 50432
Tel Aviv 61500
Phone: +972-(0)3-5177888
FAX: +972-(0)3-5174433,



Last modified: Mon Jul 14 14:32:18 MET DST 1997