Dear Participants

Thank you for your participation at the Third ICRA Network Workshop and Sixth Italo-Korean Meeting.
I would like to inform you that:

The proceedings will be published by Nuovo cimento B in a special volume
The editors will be C.Cherubini and R.Ruffini
The deadline for proceedings is December 31, 1999
firm ,in order to have the volume well before the MGIX MM
Please submit the relevant LateX file
(plus relevant postscript figures and images)
The file should be submitted to INW3&
with the subject: "Proceedings INW3 and IKM6"
Please note that:
  1. For each plenary talk the manuscripts (included figures and tables) should be in the 20 pages range

  2. For the other talks and for the posters the manuscripts (included figures and tables) should be in the 10 pages range

  3. The images should be in b/w  only

  4. The web site containing the instructions for the authors and the latex macros is the following:

    It is requested also an hard copy of the manuscript.

    You have to send it at the following address:
    Prof. Remo Ruffini
    Dipartimento di Fisica
    Piazzale A.Moro 2
    Roma 00185

Submission of manuscript will not mean that they will automatically be included into the proceedings
Certain papers may be send to referees upon the decision of editors

Thank you and look forward to your contribution to record this memorable meeting.

Remo Ruffini