
Monday 13 March:
Supernovae, Cosmology: and String theory

9.00am Welcome: Pro-Vice Chancellor Research
9.30am Presentations
1.00pm Lunch with Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellory, UWA
2.30pm Presentations
6.00pm Italian Consulate Reception

R. Ruffini: A model for gamma ray bursts
R. Burman(UWA): Why are supernovae in our galaxy so frequent?
M. Young: Significance of the discovery of very long period radio pulsars
L. Campbell: The distribution of supernovae in galaxies
S. K. Chakrabati (India): The effect of accretion disks on the signal from coalescing binaries
M Cerdonio: New limits on gravitational wave bursts from multi-antenna coincidence experiments
S. Woodings(UWA): Supernovae and their location in host galaxies
A.Williams (P.Obs): The Rate of supernovae
R. N. Manchester (CSIRO): Implications of the new fast neutron star binary discovery
V.G. Gurzadyan (ICRA): The CMB properties in open universe
D. Bini (CNR and ICRA): Electrodynamics in general relativity
M. Bianco and S. S. Xue ( ICRA): Theory of intensity time of arrival correlations in gamma ray bursts
I.McArthur(UWA): Progress in string theory
D.Grasso: Title to be announced
D. Coward (UWA): Detection of popcorn noise from cosmological supernovae Panel Discussion (Barish, Giazotto, Cerdonio, Blair, McClelland): Gravity wave Astronomy in 2050


Tuesday 14 March:
Gravitational Wave Technology

9.30am Presentations
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm UNESCO Director of Physics: UNESCO's role in the development of physics
6.00pm US Consul-General Reception

B. Barish (LIGO): The LIGO project
A. Giazotto (INFN): The VIRGO project
D. McClelland (ANU): Interferometry for advanced laser interferometer gravitational wave detectors
C. Lock (UWA): Quantum limited measurements of resonant masses
E. Ivanov (UWA): Next generation parametric transducer for Niobe
J. Munch (Adelaide): High power lasers for Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Detectors
Prof. Van Hieu (Vietnam): Title to be confirmed
Prof. Li Qui Bin (Beijing): Title to be confirmed
A. Lun: Gravitational Wave Sources
L Ju(UWA): Sapphire and Silicon Test Masses suspended without Violin string modes
J Winterflood(UWA): Achieving ultralow residual motion and A new vertical isolation element
F. Benabid(UWA): Sapphire optics for laser interferometers
M. Baker(UWA): Comparison of the intrinsic losses of metal membranes for test mass pendulums

Panel Discussion (Blair, Cerdonio, Giazotto, Barish)
Hhow long can bars compete with interferometers?