International joint Seminar Plan

Field Field (Physics)             Sub-Field (Relativistic Astrophysies)
Title The 7th Korean-Italian Symposium on Relativistie Astrophysics
Korea.n Side Coordinator Affìliation Department of Physics, Inje University, Kimhae, Korea
Name LEE Hyungwon Tel. +82-55-3203303 Fax. +82-55-3341577
Opposite Side


Affìliation Department of Physics, University of Rome 1, I.C.R.A.
Name Remo Ruffini Tel. +39-06-49914304 Fax. +39-06-4454992
Period 23rd - 28th Jul. 2001 Place          Inje University and Kangwha
Participants Foreign 15 Persons Total Budget(expected)

18,950,000 Won

Domestic 20 persons Proposed Budget(expeeted)

18,950,000 Won

Objeetives and Effectiveness

This seminar is organized to accelerate infonnation interchange between Korean and Italian astrophysicists on new and hot topics on the subject. Especially for this year we want to exchange recent developments on modern astrophysics. Furthermore, this seminar will improve the cultural understanding between two countries.

Especially this seminar will remarkably improve the understanding the origin of gamma ray bursts (GRB) and the X-ray astronorny with hot discussions between active young scientists of both countries. Furtherrnore, the exchange of new ideas about numerical methods for astrophysics will be basis for realistic large scale simulations.


Tentative Program and Speakers


23rd,Jul., Monday (Seminar Room in Adm. Bld., Inje University)

Morning Session (Chair Person: Chul H. Lee)

9:00 - 9:40:

opening address
(Yoon Gu Lee (President of lnje University), Yang Jongmann, Remo Ruffini)

9:40 -10:20: Remo Ruffini (I.C.R.A.) to be announced
10.20 -10:40: Break
10:40 -11.-20: Myeong-Gu Park (Kyungpook National University)
Relativistie Radiative Transfer in Aceretion Systems
11:20 -12:00: A. Ferrai (Observatory of Torino) to be announced
12.-00 -14:00: lunch
Afternoon Session (Chair Person . Remo Ruffini)
14:00 - 14:40:  D.J. Song (Korea Astronoiny Observatory)
Sachs-Wolfe Effect in Perturbed Bianchi Type I Universe: Formalism
14:40 -15.-20: L. Lusanna (INFN Florenee) to be announced
15:20 -15:40: break
15:40 -16:20: Seok Jae Park (Korea Astronomy Observatory)
Are the Macdonald-Thome Circuits Electronically Equivalent to an LCR Circuit?
16:20 -17:00: G. Gorini (Como University Inguscio) to be announced
24th luly, Tuesday (Seminar Room in Adm. Bld., Inje University)

Morning Session (Chair Person: I. Ciufolini)

9:00 - 9:40: Y.S. Myung (Inje University)
Mass generation with Gauss-Bonnet term: No van Dam-Veitman-Zakharov discontinuity in AdS space
9:40 -10:20: G. Longhi (University of Florence) to be announced
10:20 -10:40: break
10:40 -1 1:00: Yongduk Kim (Sogang University) to be announced
11:00 -11:30: V. Belinski (ICRA Rome) to be announced
11:30 -12:00: Yoonbai Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
Domain Walis, Vortices, Monopoles in Brane Worid
12:20 -14:00: lunch
Afternoon Session (Chair Person: Jongnìann Yang)
14:00 -14:30: Chul H. Lee (Hanyang University) to be announced
14:30 -15:10: I. Ciufolini (Universioty of Lecce) to be announced
15:10 -15:30: break


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