Early History until 1000 B.C.

First settlement, Jerusalem is already mentioned in ancient documents. It was ruled by an Amorite 
king called Adoni-Zedek. The city was temporarily occupied by the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, but 
they were unable to dislodge the Jebusites, who continued to populate the city.

First Temple Period 1000 - 586 B.C.

1000		Conquest by King David;
1000-922	Jerusalem capital of the united monarchy
960		King Salomon builds the Temple and a royal palace
701		Siege by the Assyrian King Sennacherib
598		Siege by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. King Jehoiachin and many of  his 
                subjects exiled to Babylon
586		Second siege by Nebuchadnezzar. The city is conquered and burned.

Second Temple Period 536 B.C. - 70 A.D.

537		Declaration by King Cyrus. The return to Zion begins
516		Completion of the Second Temple
332		Capture of Jerusalem by Alexander the Great
168		Antiochus IV Epiphanes occupies the city
164		Jerusalem occupied by Judah Maccabee
164-37		The Hasmonean period
37-4		Herod captures the city
4 BC-41AD	Judea ruled by Roman procurators
34 A.D.		Crucifixion of Jesus
41-44		Rule of Herod Agrippa
66-70		The Jewish Revolt
70		Titus captures Jerusalem. His troops raze the city and set fire to its houses and the 
		Second Temple.

Aelia Capitolina 135 - 324

131-135		Bar Kokhba Rebellion against Roman rule
135		The Emperor Hadrian rebuilds Jerusalem as a Roman city and names it ‘Aelia 
		Capitolina’.  A temple to Jupiter is erected on the Temple Mount and Jews are 
		forbidden entrance to the city.

Byzantine Period 326 - 638

324		Rule of the Emperor Constantine. Resurrection Church of the Holy Sepulchre and a 
		new wall surrounding Mount Zion
361-363	Emperor Julian ‘the Apostate’ permits Jews to settle in the city
525-565		Rule of  the Emperor Justinian, Construction of the Cardo, the ‘Nea’ Basilica and 
		other Christian sites
614-629	Persian conquest of the city
629-638	Byzantine reconquest of Jerusalem

Early Arab Period 638 - 1099

638		Conquest of Jerusalem by the Arabs under the Caliph Omar
638-650		Umayyad rule. Reconstruction of the Temple Mount. Erection of the Dome of  the 
		Rock, the El-Aqsa Mosque and other Muslim buildings. Jewish resettlement of  
750-969		Abbasid rule
969-1071	Fatimid rule
1012		Destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
1071		Conquest by the Turkish Soljuks
1096		Egyptian conquest

First Crusader Period 1099 - 1187

1099		Capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders. Massacre of the Muslim and Jewish 
		inhabitants. Jews are forbidden to live in the city
1099-1187	Rebuilding of the Holy Sepulchre and other churches

Ayyubid Period 1187-1267

1187		Saladin conquers the city and permits the Jews to return
1129-1244	Second Crusader period
1244		Conquest by the Khwarizm (Tartar) Turks
1260		Mongol conquest and destruction of the city

Mamluk Period 1267 - 1517

1267		Mamluk conquest. Nahmanides (the Ramban) persuades Jews to return
		to Jerusalem
1400		Jews begin to settle the ‘Jewish Quarter’. Erection of the Ramban synagogue
1488		Brief Mongol conquest accompanied by widespread destruction

Ottoman Period 1517-1917

1517		Conquest by Ottoman Turks
1538-1542	Construction of the new city wall
1721		Muslims seize the quarter of the Eastern-European (‘Ashkenazi’) Jews and burn their 
1812		Ashkenazi Jews begin to return to Jerusalem
1854		First residential buildings outside the Old City
1873		Building of the German Colony by the Templars
1877		Establishment ‘municipal council’ in Jerusalem
1892		Inauguration of the railway connecting Jaffa and Jerusalem
1914-1917	First World War in Palestine

The British Mandate 1917 - 1948

1917     	General Allenby captures the city
1925     	Inauguration of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus
1928-1938       Headquarters of Jewish national institutions established in Jerusalem
1948     	Israeli War of Independence. The Jewish Quarter falls into Jordanian hands.  Division 
                of the city under Israeli and Jordanian rule

A Divided City 1948 - 1967

1949-1967	Jerusalem remains divided under Israeli and Jordanian rule
		Construction of the Kirya Government district, the Knesset and the Israel 
		Museum in western Jerusalem

Jerusalem Reunited from 1967

1967		The Six-day War. Reunification of both parts of the city under Israeli rule.

By courtesy of Alfa Communication Ltd., 1993, Publishers of ‘Jerusalem of the Heavens’ Photo Book


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