1 Basic concepts in relativistic astrophysics Chinese version
Fang L.Z., Ruffini R.

Taiwan, Eastern Asian Pu., 1986




2 Basic concepts in relativistic astrophysics Chinese version
Fang L.Z., Ruffini R.

Taiwan, Eastern Asian Pu., 1991




3 Basic concepts in relativistic astrophysics Chinese version
Fang L.Z., Ruffini R.

Taiwan, Eastern Asian Pu., 1993




4 "Exploring the Universe" a Festschrift in Honor of Riccardo Giacconi
Edit. Gursky H., Ruffini R. & Stella L.

World Scientific Pub., Singapore 2000




5 "Fermi e l'Astrofisica"Ninth ICRANet WorkshopRoma-Pescara, 3-6 Ottobre 2001
Gurzadyan V.G., Ruffini R. (Eds.)

Il Nuovo Cimento B, 2002, vol 117, serie 12, n° 9-11, settembre-novembre 2002




6 Galaxies, quasars and cosmology June 17-21, 1985
Eds. Fang L.Z., Ruffini R.

Singapore, World Scientific, 1986




7 Gravitation and Spacetime
Ohanian H.C., Ruffini R.

W.W. Norton & Co., Ney York 1994 (2nd ed.) - English version




8 Gravitation and Spacetime
Ohanian H.C., Ruffini R.

W.W. Norton & Co. and Shin Won Agency Co., Seoul, 2001, (2nd ed.) - Korean version




9 "Gravitazione e spazio-tempo" (Gravitation and Spacetime)
Ohanian H.C., Ruffini R.

Zanichelli Bologna, 1997 (2 nd ed.) - Italian version




10 Neutron Stars, Black Holes and Binary X-Ray Sources
Gursky H., Ruffini R.

D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1975




11 "Non Linear Gravitodynamics. The Lense-Thirring Effect"
Ruffini R., Sigismondi C. (Eds.)

World Scientific Pub., Singapore 2003




12 Physics and astrophysics in the space station era First scientific meeting of the international forum on the scientific uses of the space station. Venice, 4-7 October 1987
Eds. Bernacca P.L., Ruffini R.

Bologna, Italian Physical Society, 1989




13 Physics and Astrophysics of NeutronStars and Black Holes
R. Giacconi, R. Ruffini





14 Proceedings of the "11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" Berlin, July 23 - 29, 2006
Ruffini R. et al.

Editors Ruffini R., Kleinert H., Jantzen R., World Scientific Pub.




15 Proceedings of the "1st Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics" 3-8 September, 1987
Edit. Kim Y.D., Lee C.H., Ruffini R.

World Scientific Pub., Singapore, 1988




16 Proceedings of the "1st Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" July 7-12, 1975
Edit. Ruffini R.

North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977




17 Proceedings of the "1st Stueckelberg Workshop on Relativistic Field Theories"
Ruffini R. et al.

Editors Cianfrani F., Montani G., Ruffini R., SIF Bologna, 2006




18 Proceedings of the "2nd Stueckelberg Workshop on Relativistic Field Theories"
Ruffini R. et al.

Editors Cianfrani F., Montani G., Ruffini R., International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 23, Number 8, March 30




19 Proceedings of the "Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" Hebrew University, Jerusalem June 22-27, 1997
Editors Tsvi Piran Series Editor Ruffini R.

World Scientific Pub., Singapor 1999




20 Proceedings of the "Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" University of Western Australia, August 8-13, 1988
Editors Blair D.G., Buckingham M.J. Series Editor Ruffini R.

World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 1989




21 Proceedings of the "First William Fairbank meeting on relativistic gravitational experiments in space." University of Rome, September 10-14, 1990
Eds. Demianski M., Everitt F.

Singapore, World Scientific Pu. 1993




22 Proceedings of the "Fourth Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics" Rome - Gran Sasso - Pescara, July 9-15, 1995
Cocco V., Ruffini R.

Editrice Compositori, Bologna 1997




23 Proceedings of the "Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" June 17-21, 1985
Edit. Ruffini R.

North-Holland Pub., Amsterdam 1986




24 Proceedings of the "Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" University of Rome “La Sapienza”, July 2-8, 2000
Editors Gurzadyan G., Jantzen R.T. Series Editor Ruffini R.

World Scientific Pub., Singapore 2003




25 Proceedings of the "Second Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics" Rome - Limone Piemonte, July, 1989
Edit. Kim Y.D., Lee C.H., Ruffini R.

Società Italiana di Fisica, Bologna 1990 Il Nuovo Cimento vol. 105B, n° 8-9, agosto-settembre 1990




26 Proceedings of the "Second Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" July 5-11, 1979
Edit. Ruffini R.

North-Holland Publishing Company, 1982




27 Proceedings of the "Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" Stanford University July 24-30, 1994
Editors Jantzen R.T., Mac Keiser G. Series Editor Ruffini R.

World Scientific Pub., Singapore 1996




28 Proceedings of the "Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan June 23-29, 1991
Editors Humitaka Sato, Takashi Nakamura Series Editor Ruffini R.

World Scientific Pub., 1992




29 Proceedings of the "Third ICRA Network Workshop" and The "Sixth Italo-Korean Meeting on electrodynamics and magneto hydrodynamics around black holes". Rome - Pescara, July 12-24, 1999
Edit. Cherubini C., Ruffini R.

Editrice Compositori, Bologna 2001




30 Proceedings of the "Third Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics" Seoul - Kyungju, Korea, July 4-8, 1991
Edit. Kim S.W., Lee H., Kim K.T.

Journal of the Korean Physical Society col. 25, supp. issue, 1992




31 Proceedings of the "Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" July 30 - September 3, 1982
Edit. Hu Ning

Science Press, Beijing, 1983 North-Holland Publishing Company, 1983




32 Quantum cosmology
Eds. Fang L.Z., Ruffini R.

Singapore, World Scientific, 1987




33 "The Chaotic Universe" Proceedings of the second ICRA Networkshop Rome, Pescara, Italy. 1-5 February 1999
Gurzadyan V.G., Ruffini R. (Eds.)

World Scientific Pub., Singapore 2000




34 THE SUN, THE STARS, THE UNIVERSE AND GENERAL RELATIVITY: International Conference in Honor of Ya.B. Zeldovich's 95th Anniversary
Remo Ruffini, Vereshchagin Gregory

AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1205