
Talk detail


Flambaum, Victor


University of New South Wales - Sidney  - School of Physics - Sydney - NSW - AUSTRALIA





Coulomb problem for vector bosons

The Coulomb problem for vector bosons W incorporates a well-known difficulty: the charge of the bososn localised in a close vicinity of attractive Coulomb Center is infinite. The paradox is shown to be resolved by the QED vacuum polarization, which brings in a strong effective repulsion that eradicates the infinite charge of the boson on the Coulomb center. This property allows one to define the Coulomb problem for vector bosons properly.


Variation of fundamental constants from Big Bang to atomic clocks

Theories unifying gravity with other interactions suggest a possibility of space-time variation of the fundamental constants. I present a review of recent works devoted to the variation of the fine structure constant alpha, strong interaction and fundamental masses.There are some hints for the variation in quasar absorption spectra, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and Oklo natural nuclear reactor data. A very promising method to search for the variation of the fundamental constants consists in comparison of different atomic clocks. Huge enhancement of the variation effects happens in transition between accidentally degenerate atomic and molecular energy levels.


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