
Talk detail


Burinskii, Alexander


NSI Russian Academy of Sciences  - B. Tulskaya 52 - Moscow - Russian Federation - RUSSIA





The Wave Excitations of the Kerr Solution: Towards to the Exact Kerr-Shild Solutions with Wave Electromagnetic Field.

We obtain exact solutions for the wave electromagnetic field on the Kerr background and study the conditions leading to the self-consistency of the corresponding twisting metric. We obtain the evidences that consistency demands a vibrating metric (solutions with $\gamma\ne 0$ and $\dot P \ne 0$).


The Kerr Theorem, Multisheeted Twistor Spaces and Multiparticle Generalization of the Kerr-Schild Formalism.

We consider an extended version of the Kerr theorem incorporated in the Kerr-Schild formalism. It allows one to construct the series of exact solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations from a holomorphic generating function $F$ of twistor variables. The exact multiparticle Kerr-Schild solutions are obtained from generating function of the form $F=\prod _i^k F_i, $ where $F_i$ are partial generating functions for the spinning particles $ i=1...k$. Gravitational and electromagnetic interaction of the spinning particles occurs via the light-like singular twistor lines. As a result, each spinning particle turns out to be `dressed' by singular pp-strings connecting it to other particles. Physical interpretation of this solution is discussed.


The Kerr Spinning Particle as a Geon

The real, complex and stringy systems of the Kerr Spinning particle are considered. The electromagnetic excitation of the Kerr solution is the source of its spin and mass. The problem of obtaining the exact selfconsistent solution is discussed.


Kerr Geometry and Quantum Gravity on the Compton Distances

We show that, in spite of the weakness of the local gravitational field, the Kerr Gravity has very strong stringy, topological and non-local action on the Compton distances of elementary particles. Besides, it polarizes strongly electromagnetic field, and therefore, it controlls the region of virtual photons determining basis quantum properties of elementary particles.


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