
Talk detail


Iorio, Lorenzo


Università di Bari  - Viale Unità di Italia 68 - Bari - - ITALY





Testing the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati multidimensional gravity model with planetary orbital motions

According to the DGP braneworld model of gravity, our Universe is a four-dimensional space-time brane embedded in a larger, infinite five-dimensional bulk space. Contrary to the other forces constrained to remain on the brane, gravity is able to explore the entire bulk getting substantially modified at large distances. This model has not only cosmological consequences allowing to explain the observed acceleration of the expansion of our Universe without resorting to the concept of dark energy, but makes also testable predictions at small scales. Interestingly, such local effects can yield information on the global properties of the Universe and on the kind of expansion currently ongoing. Indeed, among such predictions there are extra precessions of the perihelia and the mean longitudes of the planetary orbits which are affected by a twofold degeneration sign: one sign refers to a Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker phase while the opposite sign is for a self-sccelerated phase. In this talk we will discuss the possibility of testing such effects in the Solar System scenario according to the latest data available.


Two post-Newtonian features of motion in the Solar System: the Lense-Thirring effect and the Pioneer anomaly

In this talk we compare the latest planetary ephemerides EPM2004 with a) The predictions of general relativity for the gravitomagnetic Lense-Thirring precessions of the orbits of the inner planets. b) The effects that a constant and uniform acceleration of the same magnitude of that of the Pioneer anomaly would induce on the motions of the outer planets of the Solar System.


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