
Talk detail


Lorek, Dennis


Institut für Theoretische Physik, Nichtlineare Dynamik, Universität Bremen  - Otto-Hahn-Allee - Bremen - - GERMANY





Lorentz invariance violation in higher order electrodynamics

The low energy limit of, e.g., loop quantum gravity suggests that the effective Maxwell equations contain, besides an arbitrary constitutive tensor, also higher derivatives. The consequences based on an ordinary linear constitutive tensor have already been discussed extensively. Here we consider violations of Lorenz invariance which may come in through higher orders of derivatives. We present a general scheme for the influence of these higher order terms on the propagation of light and on the solution for point charges. This results in a modified, non homogeneous dispersion relation, which is also predicted by non commutative approaches, and in modifications of the energy levels in hydrogen atoms due to the additional appearance of electric multipole fields. A comparison with experiments yields estimates on the Lorentz violating terms.


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