
Talk detail


Mychelkin, Eduard


Fesenkov Astrophysical institute  - Observatory - Almaty - - KAZAKHSTAN





Survey of Antiscalar Approach to Gravity

A deep comprehension of nature of gravitation is impossible without taking into account of adequate scalar field (SF) background. Moreover, what we commonly conceive as a gravity is in fact only universal gravitating scalar field . Dicke was right when said that scalar field is almost indistinguishable from gravity. This point leads to essential consequences for physics as a whole.


Survey of Antiscalar Approach to Gravity.

A deep comprehension of nature of gravitation is impossible without taking into account of adequate scalar field (SF) background. Moreover, what we commonly conceive as a gravity is in fact only the universal gravitating scalar field $\phi $. Dicke was right when said that scalar field is almost indistinguishable from gravity. This point leads to essential consequences for physics as a whole.


Review of Antiscalar Gravity

\documentclass [12pt]{article} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\large \textbf{Review of Antiscalar Gravity.}} \end{center} \begin{center} {\large Mychelkin E.G.}\\ \textit{Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute. Almaty 050020, Kazakhstan}\\ E-mail: \underline {\textit{mych@topmail.kz}} \end{center} \textbf{\textit{Definition:}} As follows from thermodynamics, a sign of the full scalar field (SF) energy-momentum tensor (EMT) should be opposite (\textit{'antiscalar'}) that of usual matter: $G_{\mu \nu} = - \kappa (T_{\mu \nu} )^{scalar} + \kappa (T_{\mu \nu} )^{matter},\kappa = 8\pi G / c^{4}$. \textbf{\textit{Ansatz:}} SF cannot be removed from the field equations and in general (for the cosmological scales) a full EMT includes both mass- and $\Lambda $ terms. The original full SF EMT has positive $\Lambda $ and negative (tachyon) square of mass, in accord with solution of antiscalar (ASF) Einstein' equations, $G_{\mu \nu} = - \kappa (T_{\mu \nu} )^{scalar}$, based on \textit{ansatz:} ${\left| {\Lambda} \right|} = - (2 / 3)m^{2}$, which leads to values of masses of the tachyon SF carriers $m = m_{\phi} \approx 10^{ - 33}eV \approx 10^{ - 65}g$. \textbf{\textit{Cosmology:}} That solution: $ds^{2} = dt^{2} - \exp \{ - {\left| {\Lambda} \right|}(t - t_{0} )^{2}\}(dr^{2} + r^{2}d\Omega ^{2})$, $\kappa \phi ^{2} = - {\left| {\Lambda} \right|}(t - t_{0} )^{2}$ shows the `cusp' $t_{0} $ in expansion of the Universe and asymptotic states of type $p = - \varepsilon $, without phantom states. \textbf{\textit{`Crucial effects'}} are confirmed due to replacement of Schwarzschild's solution by the Papapetrou ASF-solution $ds^{2} = ds^{2} = e^{ - 2\phi} dt^{2} - e^{2\phi} (dr^{2} + r^{2}d\Omega ^{2}) = e^{ - 2GM / r}dt^{2} - e^{2GM / r}(dr^{2} + r^{2}d\Omega ^{2})$ with the same post-Newtonian limit but with \textit{no black-holes (BH)} being in ASF-gravitation unphysical. \textbf{\textit{BH-thermodynamics}} is replaced by realistic \textit{SF-thermodynamics} at the same scales as BH horizons.\textsf{} Then, for example,\textsf{} for the temperature and entropy of ASF generated by mass $M$ calculation in Papapetrou's metric leads, to within the gauging constants, to the well-known BH-formulae: $T \propto 1 / M$, $S = sV \approx sr^{3} \propto M^{2}$, etc. The well-defined ASF EMT allows also \textit{to avoid the unpleasant problems concerning the energy of gravitational field}. \textbf{\textit{Full geometrization}} of ASF (\textit{just as for $\Lambda $-term}) is possible. This means that under definite conditions the dimensional constants can be deduced from the theory. Geometrical foundations of that approach are based on analysis of integrability conditions for the given spacetime deformation tensor $L_{\mu\nu}$ to be by definition the (non-zero) Lie derivative of metrics in the direction of some time-like $\xi$-field. This gives rise to the special master-identity connecting the Ricci tensor with modulus of corresponding generalized Killing-type vector field $\xi^{\mu}$ collinear to preferable frames family $\{u^{\mu} \}$. That identity allows to get the Newtonian limit (the Laplace or Poisson equations) before the explicit writing the Einstein-type equations and shows wy \textit{the Gilbert Lagrangian has in fact no true dynamical meaning for gravitation}. \end{document}


Antiscalar Gravity and Neutrino Background

documentclass [12pt]{article} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\large \textbf{Antiscalar Gravity and Neutrino Background.}} \end{center} \begin{center} {\large Mychelkin E.G.}\\ \textit{Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute. Almaty 050020, Kazakhstan}\\ E-mail: \underline {\textit{mych@topmail.kz}} \end{center} \textbf{\textit{The origin of SF:}} A deep comprehension of nature of gravitation is impossible without taking into account of adequate scalar field (SF) background. `Antiscalar field' (ASF) requires a sign of \textit{full} SF energy-momentum tensor to be opposite that of usual matter: $G_{\mu \nu} = - \kappa (T_{\mu \nu} )^{scalar} + \kappa (T_{\mu \nu} )^{matter}$, $\kappa = 8\pi G /c^{4}$, in conformity with SF-thermodynamics. Then the known (see the first report) solution of antiscalar (ASF) Einstein's equations, $G_{\mu \nu} = - \kappa (T_{\mu \nu} )^{scalar}$, with ansatz: ${\left| {\Lambda} \right|} = - (2 / 3)m^{2}$, leads to masses of tachyon SF carriers (dubbed `\textit{statons'}) $m = m_{\phi} \approx 10^{ - 33}eV \approx 10^{ - 65}g$. Coincidence of static solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations with corresponding Papapetrou's ASF-solutions up to balance conditions for $k$ gravitating charges: $e_{k} = \pm \sqrt {G} m_{k}$ shows that SF can be considered as composed by quasi-static electric fields $\phi _{ +} + \phi _{ -} = \phi $ generated by real fermions. The sources of neutral SF $\phi$ prove to be the usual masses. So, SF is perceived just as 'gravity'. \textbf{\textit{Electrodynamics:}} Non-zero effective masses of neutral SF-carriers (statons) $m_{\phi} \sim 10^{ - 33}eV$ lead to the same order masses $m_{\pm}\sim 10^{-33}eV$ for the carriers of generating electric fields. This leads for all \textit{preferred} (for example, inertial) frames $\{u^{\mu} \}$ to new Lagrangian: $L^{elm} = - {\textstyle{{1} \over {4}}}F_{\mu \nu} ^{i} F_{i}^{\mu \nu} - {\textstyle{{1} \over {2}}}\mu ^{2}(A_{\mu} ^{i} u^{\mu })^{2}$. So, electric SF $\phi ^{i} = A_{\mu} ^{i} u^{\mu}$ are endowed with non-zero (tachyon) mass-factor $\mu ^{2} = - m_{i}^{2} $, $i = ( + , - )$ being however too small to be seen in experiment. \textbf{\textit{Neutrino Background:}} The similar way can be used for the Yang-Mills fields by inclusion the realistic \textit{vortex (pseudo-scalar) component} of scalar background composed by effective neutrino(left)-antineutrino(right) pairs (\textit{`psions'}): $\psi _{i} = \nu _{i} + \bar {\nu} _{i} $ (instead of $\pm $\textit{statons}), where $i = (1,2,3)$ enumerates now the three types of neutrinos which we believe to be tachyons as well. Now mass-factor $\mu ^{2} = - m_{i}^{2} $ is related to masses of neutrinos (or psions) being small but nevertheless $\sim 10^{30 - 33}$ times more those for statons. So, one can from the very beginning input the triplet of natural (massive) scalar Yang-Mills fields: $\psi ^{i} = A_{\mu} ^{i} u^{\mu} $. A condensate of these $\nu \bar {\nu}$-type fields is supposed to undergo the phase transitions to 'gluons' \textit{and} $W^{\pm} $, $Z$ bosons, for QCD \textit{and} electro-weak thresholds, correspondingly. After that the elusive Higgs bosons can be ruled out from SM as artifact of formal input from the very beginning the highly useful but not specified hypothetical massless SF. \end{document}


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