
Talk detail


Shoemaker, David


Massachusetts Institute of Technology  - MIT NW17-161, 175 Albany St. - Cambridge - MA - USA





Ligo status and progress toward detection of Gravitational Waves

The LIGO interferometric gravitational-wave detectors are now observing at a sensitivity exceeding their original design target. The data from the extended science run now underway, and previous runs, have been analyzed for gravitational-wave events and to put upper limits on gravitational-wave flux. This run will continue until a full integrated year of observation is complete, and will be followed by some incremental advances in sensitivity and further science runs in coordination with the other worldwide gravitational-wave detectors. LIGO -- the combined Laboratory and Scientific Collaboration -- have also progressed with the Advanced LIGO upgrade, which will start observing in 2014, and will lead to more than a factor of 10 improvement in the sensitivity, covering a volume of space 1000x greater than initial LIGO.


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