
Talk detail


Sorkin, Evgeny


Physics and Astronomy Dept., University of British Columbia  - 6224 Agricultural Road - Vancouver - British Columbia - CANADA





LG in GL (Landau-Ginzburg in Gregory-Laflamme)

In this talk we describe the study of the Gregory-Laflamme instability of black strings, or more precisely of the order of the transition, being either first or second order, and the critical dimension which separates the two cases. we describe a novel method based on the Landau-Ginzburg perspective for the thermodynamics that somewhat improves the existing techniques. In addition, we generalize the computation from a circle compactification to an arbitrary torus compactifications. We explain that the critical dimension cannot be lowered in this way, and moreover in all cases studied the transition order depends only on the number of extended dimensions. We discuss the richer phase structure that appears in the torus case.


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