
Talk detail


Tartaglia, Angelo


Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Torino  - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 - Torino - - ITALY





A darkless space time

Instead of introducing an ad hoc dark energy in order to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe, we try a different approach treating space time as a physical continuum endowed of specific properties. A Lagrangian modelled on the one valid for simple dissipative phenomena in fluids is build and used for empty space time. The internal "viscosity" is shown to correspond to a four-vector field. Using the known symmetry of the universe, assuming the vector field to be divergence-less and solving the Euler-Lagrange equation we directly obtain inflation and a phase of accelerated expansion of space time. The vector field is shown to correspond to the displacement vector field induced by a point defect in a four-dimensional continuum. The presence of ordinary matter does not spoil the obtained general behaviour.


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