
Talk detail


Ashtekar, Abhay


Institute for Gravitational Physics and Geometry  - 104 Davey, Penn State - University Park - PA - USA





Loop Quantum Gravity

Status of Loop quantum gravity will be briefly surveyed, highlighting recent advances. The approach is now drawing active attention of the `outside community' which is even contributing summaries and reviews. As requested by the organizers, I will also attempt to enhance the dialog by addressing certain concerns and clarifying various misconceptions.


Recent Advances in Loop Quantum Cosmology

As requested by the session organizer, I will summarize some recent advances in loop quantum cosmology which have resulted through the introduction of new analytical and numerical methods. They enable one to go significantly beyond the singularity resolution. In simple models one can introduce a convenient `emergent time', construct the physical Hilbert space and Dirac observables, show that the classical big big-bang is replaced by a quantum bounce and that the pre and post big-bang branches are joined by a deterministic quantum evolution.


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