
Talk detail


Alley, Carroll


University of Maryland at College Park  - Department of Physics - College Park - MD - USA





Strengths of the Yilmaz Gauge Field Theory of Gravity

This talk supplements the preceding talk by Professor Yilmaz. My advocacy of the Yilmaz theory is based on the need to understand actual experiments and observations about which I have first-hand knowledge. These include the lunar laser ranging measurements, proper time measurements with atomic clocks flown in aircraft, examination of real data from the US Global Positioning System, and experimental studies of the local one-way speed of light. Recent measurements by Yanhua Shih and associates at the University of Maryland Baltimore County support the explicit prediction of the Yilmaz theory (Yilmaz, MG4, 1985) that the local one-way speed of light is isotropic on rotating laboratory platforms. Professor John Wheeler named the Yilmaz theory “Deputy-General Relativity” to emphasize its effectiveness. Its strengths include interactive N-body solutions, exact gravity wave solutions, and compatibility with quantum theory. These go beyond Einstein’s General Relativity. The deputy theory should now take command.


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