
Talk detail


Galloway, Duncan


University of Melbourne  - School of Physics - Melbourne - VIC - AUSTRALIA





Gravitational waves from rapidly-rotating neutron stars

Rapidly-rotating neutron stars are presently thought to be excellent candidates for the detection of high frequency gravitational wave emission. The spin distribution of accreting neutron stars is inferred from oscillations detected during thermonuclear bursts in 12 sources, and persistent pulsations in 7 more. The maximum observed spin is well below the putative breakup speed, possibly because angular momentum losses (by GW emission) balance the spin-up torques from accretion. Measurements of the long-term flux history accumulated by satellite missions such as RXTE allow estimates of the strength of GW emission from these sources. I will discuss the presently-known properties of the source sample, the expected gravitational wave signal strength from these objects, and the prospects for future discoveries of additional candidates.


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