
Talk detail


Kowalski-glikman, Jerzy


Institute for Theoretical Physics University of Wroclaw  - Pl. Maxa Borna 9 - Wroclaw - - POLAND





Doubly Special Relativity in 3 and 4 dimensions

In my talk I will argue that 3D gravity coupled to point particles with spin and mass is an example of Doubly Special Relativity. I will also explain how the known properties of 3D gravity can be rephrased in the DSR language. Then I will argue that there is a regime in 4D gravity coupled to point particles that also leads to a DSR model. Some phenomenological consequences will also be discussed.


Particles as Wilson lines of gravitational field

Since the work of Mac-Dowell-Mansouri it is well known that gravity can be written as a gauge theory for the de Sitter group. I consider the coupling of the Freidel-Starodubtsev formulation of gravity theory to the simplest gauge invariant observables that is, Wilson lines. The dynamics of these Wilson lines reproduces exactly the dynamics of relativistic particles coupled to gravity, the gauge charges carried by Wilson lines being the mass and spin of the particles. Insertion of Wilson lines breaks in a controlled manner the diffeomorphism symmetry of the theory and the gauge degree of freedom are transmuted to particles degree of freedom. I will also discuss some quantum aspects of this construction.


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