
Talk detail


Krasiñski, Andrzej


N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences  - Bartycka 18 - Warszawa, Poland - - POLAND





Avoidance of singularities in spherically symmetric charged dust

In spherically symmetric charged dust the Big Bang/Crunch (BB/BC) singularity and shell crossings may appear. The BB/BC may be avoided. When the charge density r_e and energy density d obey (|r_e| < D_e = \sqrt{G} d / c^2), the conditions that allow the avoidance of BB/BC lead to shell crossings. However, when |r_e| --> D_e at the center of symmetry while |r_e| < D_e elsewhere, both kinds of singularity may be avoided for a sufficiently long period that a body of charged dust may go through the tunnel between the singularities in the maximally extended Reissner -- Nordstr\"{o}m spacetime, to emerge into another asymptotically flat region. An explicit example of such a configuration is presented and discussed. It does not contradict any astrophysical constraints.


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