
Talk detail


Lee, Da-shin


Department of Physics, National Dong Hwa University  - No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng - Hualien - - TAIWAN, ROC





Boundary induced quantum fluctuation effects: From moving mirror to electron coherence

Two distinct, but related issues in quantum fluctuation effects induced by the boundary will be discussed. We will first consider a perfectly reflecting mirror moving in a quantum field. The stochastic behavior of the moving mirror with the backreaction from the quantum field can be described by the semiclassical Langevin equation derived from the coarse-grained effective action with the method of influence functional. Then the backreaction effects by solving the Langevin equation will be discussed. We will next discuss the influence of electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations in the presence of the conducting plate on electron coherence with an interference experiment. The evolution of the reduced density matrix of the electron is obtained by integrating out electromagnetic fields. We find that the plate boundary anisotropically modifies vacuum fluctuations that in turn affect the electron coherence.


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