
Talk detail


Lemos, José P. S.


Phyisic Department, Center for Astrophysics, IST, Lisbon  - Av. Rovisco Pais 1 - Lisbon - - PORTUGAL





Entropy from conformal horizon states in D-dimensional spherical, toroidal, and hyperbolic anti-de Sitter black holes

The approach developed by Solodukhin is followed. The method consists in a redefinition of the metric by considering the radial coordinate as a scalar field. Then through dimensional reduction one obtains a 2-dimensional scalar field theory, conformal in an infinitesimally small vicinity of the horizon. The conformal symmetry has conserved charges whose gernerators span a classical Poisson algebra of the Virasoro type. Replacing Poisson brackets by commutators, one recovers the usual form of the Virasoro algebra, obtaining the level zero conserved charge eigenvalue Lo, and a nonzero central charge c. The entropy is then obtained via the Cardy formula.


Black hole pair creation in a D-dimensional de Sitter background

We study the quantum process in which a black hole pair is created in a D-dimensional de Sitter (dS) background. The energy to create the pair comes from the cosmological constant. The instantons are obtained from the Tangherlini black holes. The pair creation rates reduce to the Reissner-Nordström-dS rate when D=4. Pair creation in the dS background becomes less suppressed when the dimension of the spacetime increases. The dS space is the only background in which we can discuss analytically this process, since the C-metric and the Ernst solutions, that describe respectively a pair accelerated by a string and by an electromagnetic field, are not know in higher dimensions.


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