
Talk detail


Popa, Lucia Aurelia


Institute for Space Sciences  - Bucharest-Magurele - Bucharest - Romania - ROMANIA





Probing cosmic dark ages with the CMB polarization measurements

We discuss the possible distorsions of the ionization history of the universe left by different sources of ionizing and resonance radiation at the epoch of recombination, their implications for the cosmological reionization as well as their signature on the CMB polarization angular power spectra. For physically motivated ionization histories, we place new constraines on the properties of the ionozing sources by using the WMAP 3-years measurements and discuss their implications for the future CMB polarization measurements.


Neutrino background, diffuse backgrounds and CMB: Is the picture conssistent? conssistent?

By combining the data from CMB, gamma-ray and x-ray background measurements we constrain the hypothesis of the Warm Dark Matter in the form of sterile neutrinos and discuss its implications for the cosmological neutrino background and the structure formation.


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