
Talk detail


Slosar, Anze


University of Ljubljana  - Jadranska 19 - Ljubljana - - SLOVENE





Detecting neutrino mass difference with cosmology.

I will be discussing prospects for the detection of the difference in neutrino masses with cosmology. Neutrinos of different mass become non-relativistic at different epoch which implies different free-streaming lengths that imprint a unique signature into the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and large scale structure (LSS) power spectra. I will show that the effect will have to be taken into account for the very high quality future datesets. Unfortunatelly, however, the degeneracy will prevent us from detecting the neutrino masses with cosmology, unless degenereacies with dark matter energy density and hubble's constant are broken independently of the CMB and LSS.


Cosmological constraints on sterile neutrinos

Sterile neutrinos come in two kinds in the cosmological context. On one hand we have very weakly coupled sterile neutrinos with masses of the order of a few keV that act as a dark matter candidate. On the other hand people are also considering light and completelly thermalised neutrino species with masses of around 1eV or less. I will discuss how cosmology can constrain both of these sterile neutrino candidates, what are the present limits and possible work-arounds.


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