
Talk detail


Barrau, Aurélien


Laboratory for Subatomic Physics and Cosmology (Grenoble)  - 53 avenue des MArtyrs - Grenoble cedex - - FRANCE





Some recent developments on the evaporation of black holes

In this talk, I would like to underline some important theoretical and phenomenological consequences of recent developments on the evaporation of black holes. In particular, the greybody factors -that account for the non-trivial part of the coupling between quantum fields and horizons- have been computed in the last years for quite a large number of situations : higher-dimensional black holes, Schwarzschild-de-Sitter spacetimes, Gauss-Bonnet black holes, Kerr black holes, etc. I will mainly focus on the consequences of those new results for black hole physics, cosmology and particle physics. This includes constraints on the primordial power spectrum, low Planck-scale scenarios (ADD) and their consequences for black-hole formation and detection at colliders and the evaporated entropy.


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