
GW4 - Space GW Detection (LISA)


Popov, Serghei Mikhailovich


A.V.Gusev, G.Modestino


Statistical Analysis of the Bar-Detector's Noise During Time Intervals Corresponded to BATSE Gamma Ray Events.


Noise records of the Gravitational Wave (GW) detector Explorer were studied to search for any anomalies around time-marks corresponded to trigger times of gamma ray bursts registered in the BATSE space experiment. The time interval from 1991 till 1994 was used for the cumulative data proceedings. During this time 316 GRB (according BATSE catalogue) occur in the period of the GW antenna Explorer operating. Normalized mean-removed cross-correlation function was used for the data analysis. The remarkable cross correlation between two modes of GW antenna Explorer was observed even for the test-intervals. This fact demonstrates presence of non-Gaussian noise components in the GW antenna signal. To improve signal-to-noise ration value we make preliminary filtration of the signal which has very long tail due to rare events of spikes with high energies. Cut-off procedure reduces cross-correlation value, but it remains considerable till maximum threshold value. The band-width of cross-correlation corresponds to the technical parameters of the Explorer at this time. A cross correlation procedure was applied to the group of time intervals near BATSE events and outside. There is no difference value which are less then 5•10^-3 that means no anomalous perturbation with probability of 0,95.  

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