
AT1 - Alternative Theories (A)


Sanyal, Abhik Kumar


Scalar tensor theory of gravity carrying a conserved current


A general scalar-tensor theory of gravity carries a conserved current for a trace free minimally coupled scalar field, under the condition that the potential $V(\phi)$ of the nonminimally coupled scalar field is proportional to the square of the parameter $f(\phi)$ that is coupled with the scalar curvature $R$. The conserved current relates the pair of arbitrary coupling parameters $f(\phi)$ and $\omega(\phi)$, where the latter is the Brans-Dicke coupling parameter. Thus fixing up the two arbitrary parameters by hand, it is possible to explore the symmetries and the form of conserved currents corresponding to standard and many different nonstandard models of gravity. Some of these models lad to late time aceleration of the Universe. 

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