
AT1 - Alternative Theories (A)


Chernitskiy (chernitskii), Alexander A.


Gravitation as a vacuum nonlinear electrodynamics effect


Effective Riemann space effect of vacuum nonlinear electrodynamics (hep-th/9809175, hep-th/9911093) is considered in the context of theory for unified gravitation and electromagnetism. The electromagnetic four-vector potential in the scope of Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics model (hep-th/0509087) is considered as the unified field. The electromagnetic interaction appears naturally in the first perturbation order by the small field of distant material objects. The gravitational interaction appears naturally in the appropriate second order (gr-qc/0211034). In this case the effective metric components contain the corresponding energy-momentum tensor components for quick-oscillating electromagnetic field of the distant objects. 

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