
AT1 - Alternative Theories (A)


Sfarti, Adrian


Strong reason for higher speed reenactments of the Ives-Stilwell


A Special Theory of Relativity (STR) test theory is a generalization of the Lorentz transforms using additional parameters. One can then analyze experiments using the test theory instead of STR and fit the parameters of the test theory to the experimental results. If the fitted parameter values differ significantly from the values corresponding to STR, then the experiment is inconsistent with STR. But more normally, such fits can show how well a given experiment confirms or disagrees with STR and what is its experimental accuracy. This gives a general and tractable method of analysis which can be common to multiple experiments. In the following paper we will argue for an unorthodox way of detecting high order effects via an increased speed reenactment of the Ives Stilwell experiment. We will demonstrate the presence of a high order error term and we will set the experimental conditions for detecting such term. Keywords: RMS, Standard Model, Ives Stilwell experiment, STR, Transverse Doppler Effect  

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