
AT1 - Alternative Theories (A)


Yilmaz, Huseyin


Gauge Field Theory of Gravity


This talk may be considered a sequel to my talk at the Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting. At that time I presented a method of obtaining the metric directly from first principles such as local special relativity, principle of equivalence and conditions of gauge for quantum compatibility. This led to a class of metrics called exponential metrics with a paradigm shift to “gravity gravitates.” These metrics were applied to existing experiments and were all satisfactory. In the meantime new experiments are performed and old ones repeated and reanalyzed. Among them are (1) one-way speed of light, (2) refined Moon ranging, (3) LAGEOS, (4) GPS and (5) the 532” per century planetary perturbative part of the perihelion advance of planet Mercury. Some of these will be described in the following talk by Professor Alley. 

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