
APO3 - The Origins of Massive Black Holes and Quasars at High Redshifts


Kundt, Wolfgang




The Properties of the Supermassive-Black-Hole Sources, including Sgr A*


After more than 30 years of intense study, the proposed SBHs still face us with a number of hard-to-comeby problems: (1) The missing birth events: Their formations have defied identification. The best birth-site candidates - the centers of massive galaxies - have been found undercritical in density by factors > 30. (2) The nuclear burning hurdle: Long before reaching the critical density for collapse, explosive nuclear burning is expected to disintegrate a large mass concentration. (3) The missing mass: The integrated power of the AGN phenomenon predicts present-day BH masses of 10^(10.5 /pm 1.5)M(sun), instead of the observed 10^(6.5 /pm 1.5)M(sun). (4) Their excessive temperatures: The AGN spectra often peak above TeV energies, instead of the expected keV(M(sun)/M)^1/4 for a BH. (5) Their strong metal enrichment: Their spectra are >10^2-fold metal enriched over solar, looking like the ashes of nuclear burning. (6) Their powerful winds: with ejection rates through the BLR equalling the inferred infall rates. (7) Their high gamma-ray compactness: inconsistent with the escape of the relativistic pair plasma which feeds the jets of the radio-loud subclass. (8) The inverted evolution of the AGN phenomenon: whose Eddington power would grow with cosmic time whilst its observed power decreases rapidly. (9) The universality of the jet phenomenon: which involves (all) newborn stars as central engines, nowadays even brown dwarfs.  

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