
APO3 - The Origins of Massive Black Holes and Quasars at High Redshifts


Torok, Gabriel


Marek Abramowicz, Wlodek Kluzniak, Zdenek Stuchlik


Non-linear resonance model for black hole and neutron star QPOs:


Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) have been detected in many accreting X-ray binaries. It has been suggested that the kilohertz QPO frequencies observed in the modulation of the X-ray flux reflect a non-linear resonance between two modes of accreting disk oscillation (Kluzniak & Abramowicz 2000). A 3:2 resonant ratio of frequencies has been clearly recognized in the black-hole QPO data supporting this non-linear resonance hypothesis. Moreover, the theory implies very general and strong consequences which has been recently found in the data. Now it is rather confirmed that the same 3:2 ratio of the oscillation eigenfrequencies appears in the neutron star QPO data as well, and an important phenomenon of an energetic reverse between the lower and upper frequency oscillations, acting just at the frequency ratio 3:2, has been recently found. Here, stressing the recent discoveries, we present summary of the links between QPO observation and Kluzniak-Abramowicz model. 

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