
APT3 - Extreme Properties of Neutron Stars: Observations and Theory


Boutloukos, Stratos


Hans-Peter Nollert


The eigenmode frequency distribution of rapidly rotating neutron stars


Among the most promising sources of gravitational waves from neutron stars are non-radial oscillations, and especially the rotation-driven ones (inertial modes) that can be unstable for a large range of rotation rates and temperatures. By performing mode calculation for rapidly rotating neutron stars we find that the inertial modes of a specific azimuthal index are confined, in contrast to the pressure-driven modes, to a finite, well-defined frequency range, whose width depends on the spin frequency and the compactness of the star. Their apparently dense frequency distribution raises again the question of a continuous spectrum; this still allows, however, individual modes to be identified, with most interesting one being the fundamental r-mode. 

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