
APT3 - Extreme Properties of Neutron Stars: Observations and Theory


Israel, Gianluca


et al.


Studying the multi-wavelength phenomenology of AXPs


In the latest years many new observational properties have been discovered, which changed our view of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs), in great extent thanks to the new generation instruments. It is now evident that the multiwavelength phenomenology of AXPs/SGRs is more complex than thought before. In this talk I will review the recently identified properties of AXPs comparing them with those of Soft gamma-ray Repeaters, with which AXPs are thought to be related at some level.A number of special cases which helped us in better understanding the class willbe presented and discussed. Among others are the 27th December 2004 hyperflare from SGR1806-20 and the transient AXP XTEJ1810-197. 

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