
AT2 - Alternative Theories (B)


Pereira, Jose Geraldo


R. Aldrovandi, L. C. T. Guillen


Local Lorentz Transformations in Teleparallel Gravity


Teleparallel gravity is usually formulated in a very specific frame, whose anholonomy coincides (up to a sign) with torsion. In this frame, no inertial effects are present. In a general Lorentz rotated frame, on the other hand, teleparallel gravity is found to achieve a separation between inertia---which is always non-covariant---from gravitational effects---which in this theory are always covariant. As a consequence of this separation, teleparallel gravity is able to describe the isolated gravitational interaction without resorting to the equivalence principle, and provides a tensorial definition for the energy-momentum density of the gravitational field.  

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