
AT3 - Higher Dimensional Theories


Lecian, Orchidea Maria


Giovanni Montani


Electro-Weak Model within a 5-dimensional Lorentz group theory Electro-Weak Model within a 5-dimensional Lorentz group theory


The Electro-Weak Model is geometrized in a Riemann-Cartan space, within a 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein scenario. A natural chirality is shown by the 5-dimensional extension of spinorial fields. U (1) weak hyper-charge gauge fields come from the off-diagonal components of the 5-dimensional metric tensor, while SU (2) weak isospin gauge fields are identified in the bein projection of the extra-dimensional components of the contortion field (the Lorentz gauge vectors). In the framework of a gauge theory of the Lorentz group, conserved gauge charges are recognized in the bein projection of the spin part of the angular momentum tensor in 4 dimensions, whereas, in 5 dimensions, the pertinent conserved current allows us to fix the proper SU (2) generators. Under these two geometrized symmetries, spinorial fields meet the proper transformation laws. The possibility of extending Ashtekar formalism to 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theories is investigated. The Electro-Weak Model is geometrized in a Riemann-Cartan space, within a 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein scenario. A natural chirality is shown by the 5-dimensional extension of spinorial fields. U (1) weak hyper-charge gauge fields come from the off-diagonal components of the 5-dimensional metric tensor, while SU (2) weak isospin gauge fields are identified in the bein projection of the extra-dimensional components of the contortion field (the Lorentz gauge vectors). In the framework of a gauge theory of the Lorentz group, conserved gauge charges are recognized in the bein projection of the spin part of the angular momentum tensor in 4 dimensions, whereas, in 5 dimensions, the pertinent conserved current allows us to fix the proper SU (2) generators. Under these two geometrized symmetries, spinorial fields meet the proper transformation laws. The possibility of extending Ashtekar formalism to 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theories is investigated. 

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