
BHT1 - Black Hole and Pair Creation in Strong Fields


Stoehlker, Thomas


A. Gumberidze and R. Reuschl


Bound State QED in Simple Atomic Systems at High Z


Special emphasis will be given to a very recent experiment aimed at an accurate determination of the effect of QED on the ground state energies in H-like uranium. For this purpose, x-ray spectra following the radiative recombination of free electrons with bare uranium ions were measured in the electron cooler of the heavy ion storage ring ESR. This allowed us to determine the ground-state Lamb shift in hydrogenlike uranium from the observed x-ray lines with an accuracy of 1%. The present result provides the most stringent test of bound-state quantum electrodynamics for one-electron systems in the strong field regime. The results will be compared in detail with theoretical predictions.  

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