
BHT2 - Self-Graviting Systems (black Rings and Black Strings)


Sheykhi, Ahmad


N. Riazi, M. H. dehghani


Horizonless rotating solutions in (n+1)-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell dilaton gravity


We construct two classes of magnetic rotating solutions in $(n+1)$-dimensional EMD gravity. These solutions are neither asymptotically flat nor (A)dS. The first class of solutions yields a $(n+1)$-dimensional spacetime with a longitudinal magnetic field and $k$ rotation parameters. We find that these solutions have no curvature singularity and no horizons, but have a conic geometry. The second class of solutions yields a spacetime with an angular magnetic field and $%\kappa$ boost parameters. These solutions have no curvature singularity, no horizons, and no conical singularity. We find that the net electric charge of these traveling branes with one or more nonzero boost parameters is proportional to the magnitude of the velocity of the branes. We also calculate the onserved quantities of the solutions. 

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