
BHT2 - Self-Graviting Systems (black Rings and Black Strings)


Ortaggio, Marcello


P.Krtous, J.Podolsky


Ultrarelativistic boost of the black ring


We investigate the ultrarelativistic boost of five-dimensional vacuum black rings. Following the classical method of Aichelburg and Sexl, we analytically determine the gravitational field generated by a black ring moving ``with the speed of light'' in an arbitrary direction. This is an impulsive pp-wave propagating in Minkowski spacetime. We study in particular two complementary boosts along axes orthogonal and parallel to the plane of rotation, for which the curvature singularity of the original stationary spacetime becomes a singular ring or a rod, respectively, contained within the wave front. The solution is simpler and physically more interesting if one enforces equilibrium between the forces acting on the ring. It reduces to the five-dimensional Aichelburg-Sexl monopole in the limit when the singularity shrinks to a point. The same boosting technique can also be applied to charged and supersymmetric black rings. 

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