
BHT2 - Self-Graviting Systems (black Rings and Black Strings)


Mousavi, Sadegh


Sadegh Mousavy


A New Solution for Einstein Field Equation in General Relativity and black holes new movement


There are Different solutions for Einstein Field Equation in General Relativity that have been proposed by different people.the most important solutions are Schwarzschi, Reissner-Nordstrom, Kerr and Kerr-Newman. However, each one of these solutions is limited to a special case. this research work has led to a new solution for Einstein field equation which is more complete than previous ones and contains the previous solutions as its special forms. In this paper, at first a new metric is presented for Einstein field equation.As a result,actual movement of black holes is determined which is different from Kerr black hole's movement. Furthermore, this new solution predicts existence of a new and "constant" field in the nature which its amount is presented in this paper. Finally, this solution provides another evidence to prove the existence of Dark matter in the world. By using this solution,the source of Dark matter in the world is stated. 

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