
BHT4 - Black Hole Thermodynamics


Khodam Mohammadi, Abdolhosein


Thermodynamics of Nuttier black holes


At first I give a brief rewiev of thermodynamic of black holes and formalism of asymptotically locally Ads (ALAds) Nut/Bolt charge spacetime in d-dimension and generalize this study to electrically charged (q/V) (ALAds) Nut/Bolt-charge spacetime only in 4-dimension. The thermodynamics of this spacetime is discused and show that in Nut case, black hole has a stable regime in canonica ensemble and in bolt case, there are a maximum value for Nut charge (N) that is decreased by increasing (V) and two horizon (outer and inner). I show that black hole is compleately unstable at inner horizon and has a stable zone that is shorter than uncharge case at upper branch. I compare two case charged and uncharged case and plot some figures on these two cases. 

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