
BHT4 - Black Hole Thermodynamics


Lemos, José P. S.


Gonçalo A. S. Dias


Entropy from conformal horizon states in D-dimensional spherical, toroidal, and hyperbolic anti-de Sitter black holes


The approach developed by Solodukhin is followed. The method consists in a redefinition of the metric by considering the radial coordinate as a scalar field. Then through dimensional reduction one obtains a 2-dimensional scalar field theory, conformal in an infinitesimally small vicinity of the horizon. The conformal symmetry has conserved charges whose gernerators span a classical Poisson algebra of the Virasoro type. Replacing Poisson brackets by commutators, one recovers the usual form of the Virasoro algebra, obtaining the level zero conserved charge eigenvalue Lo, and a nonzero central charge c. The entropy is then obtained via the Cardy formula.  

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