
BHT5 -


Guzman Murillo, Francisco Siddhartha


Scalar Field Dark Matter: beyond the spherical symmetry


The emission spectrum from a simple accretion disc model around a compact object is compared for the cases of a black hole (BH) and a boson star (BS) playing the role of the central object. It was found in the past that such spectrum presents a hardening at high frequencies, however, here it is shown that the self-interaction and compactness of the BS have the effect of softening the spectrum, the less compact the star is the softer the emission spectrum at high frequencies. Because the mass of the boson fixes the mass of the star and the self-interaction the compactness of the star we find that for certain values of the BSs parameters it is possible to produce similar spectra to those generated when the central object is a BH. This result presents two important implications: i) using this simple accretion model a BS can supplant a BH in the role of compact object accreting matter and ii) within the assumptions of the present accretion disc model we do not find a prediction that could help at distinguishing a BH from a BS with appropriate parameters of mass and self-interaction.  

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