
CM1 - Numerical Relativity, Black Hole Collisions, and Algebraic Computation


Konoplya, Roman


Massive verctor field in the background of Schwarzschild black hole


We find the quasinormal modes, late time behavior and absoption probabilities for massive vector field described by Proca equation in the Schwarzschild black hole backgound. The fundamental mode of quasinormal spectrum shows totally different dependence on the field mass from that of higher oveertones. In the limit of high damping, real osscillation frequency reaches its asymptotic values ln 3/(8 pi M), on the contrary to the massless vector field for which this limiting values is zero. The partial absorption probabilities are found for massive vector bosons in vicinity of a black hole. Analytical expression obtained in the case of small black holes. References: [1] R. A. Konoplya, Phys. Rev. D 73, 024009 (2006) [2] R. A. Konoplya, C. Molina, gr-qc/0602047 (2006) [3] P. Kanti, R. A. Konoplya, in prepartion 

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