
CM3 - Dynamics of Compact Binaries


Mathews, Grant


J. Reese Haywood, James R. Wilson


Relativistic Hydrodynamic Simulations of Multiple Orbits for Close Neutron Star Binaries


We discuss numerical general relativistic hydrodynamics simulations for close neutron star binary systems. The hydrodynamic and field equations are solved at each time slice with a spatial 3-metric chosen to be conformally flat. By using an adaptive mesh we are able to reliably numerically integrate many orbits of the binary system. The gravitational radiation signal is extracted via a multipole expansion to the hexadecapole (l = 4) order including both mass and current moments and a correction for the slow motion approximation. We compute quasiequilibrium circular orbit conditions for two equal-mass neutron stars as a function of total angular momentum from the post-Newtonian regime to near the last stable circular orbit. We have considered a variety of neutron star equations of state. From the angular momentum and power loss rate we reconstruct the gravitational wave form and find that there is a detectable equation of state dependence of the computed gravity-wave signal. 

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