
COO2 - Theoretical Gravitational Lensing


Majumdar, Archan S.


N. Mukherjee


Gravitational lensing by braneworld black holes (COO2 Theoretical Gravitational Lensing)


We consider several spherically symmetric and static vacuum solutions in the braneworld scenario. The deflection of light in these geometries is modified compared to that in the standard Schwarzschild metric. We first consider the weak-field regime where we derive the deflection angle, Einstein radius, and the magnification produced for a particular braneworld solution. We then discuss strong-field gravitational lensing properties of several braneworld black hole metrics. The position of relativistic images and the corresponding magnification get modified,and we study the impact of braneworld parameters on the lensing observables. The computation of lensing variables enables us to suggest the possibility of the strong field character of gravity being probed and different models being discriminated in future observations. Further, the higher dimensional nature of gravity could itself be revealed, through lensing properties of braneworld black holes. 

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