
COO3 - Galaxies and the Large-Scale Structure


Morcos, Abd El Fady


Wanas,M.I and Bakry ,M.A


Stability and Formation of Cluster of Galaxies, Galaxies, Clustars of Stars and Stars in Some Cosmological Models


In most cosmological models, matter is considered to be distributed with homogeneity and isotropy. The density of matter is the same everywhere i.e the model is stable. But in the real universe matter is concentrated within galaxies and cluster of galaxies. In the present work we explore the possibility of the formation of condensation in some cosmological models built using different field theories. In particular, the self-consistent model formulated in the context of the Generalized Field Theory , the standard model built in the General Theory of Relativity, and Saez and de Juan model constructed in the background of MØller Tetrad Theory of gravitation, are used in this study. A comparison between the results obtained in each case is given. The relation between the stability of the model and formation of condensations has been studied and it is found that the stable models allow the formation of condensations.  

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