
COO3 - Galaxies and the Large-Scale Structure


Demianski, Marek


A. G. Doroshkevich


Observed and simulated evolution of the Large Scale Structure in the Universe


Analysis of the basic properties of large sample of Lyman-alpha absorbers reveals surprising features of the LSS evolution at redshifts 1-4. This evolution can be described as regular variations of the mean statistical LSS characteristics. The probability distribution function of these characteristics remain unchanged during the considered interval of redshifts. This result indicates a self-similar character of the observed LSS evolution. Similar features are also found in the high resolution numerical simulations of evolution of the LSS formed by DM. Thus we can conclude that the self-similar character of LSS evolution of DM component is a natural consequence of the chosen initial power spectrum. Formation of rich DM elements of the LSS is usually accompanied by the infall of the baryonic component what results in the observed structure of spatial matter distribution. Quantitative characteristics of the simulated LSS evolution are investigated 

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