
COT1 - Dark Energy and Universe Acceleration


Kowalski, Marek


Supernova cosmology with massive galaxy clusters at z>1


Since the discovery of Dark Energy with Type Ia Supernovae, considerable observational activity is invested to further constrain its properties by reducing both statistical and systematic errors associated with the measurement. In this talk, I will present preliminary results of a large 219 orbit HST survey performed in the ongoing cycle to detect and follow-up supernovae in high-redshift massive galaxy clusters. By targeting galaxy clusters, the search is highly efficient in finding high-redshift supernovae. In addition, the supernovae found in early type cluster galaxies are unreddened by host galaxy dust which removes the largest source of statistical and systematic uncertainty. The new data set of high-quality, high-redshift supernovae will allow to do an unprecedented study of cosmic deceleration.  

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