
COT1 - Dark Energy and Universe Acceleration


Dumin, Yurii


Testing the Dark-Energy-Dominated Cosmology by the Solar-System Experiments


The effect of dark energy is sought for at interplanetary scales by comparing the rates of secular increase in the lunar orbit obtained by two ways: (1) measured immediately by the laser ranging and (2) estimated independently from deceleration of the Earth's proper rotation. The first quantity involves both the well-known effect of geophysical tides and the Kottler's effect of Lambda-term, while the second one is associated only with tidal influence. The main problem of the analysis is poor knowledge of the second quantity. For example, if it is taken from astrometric observations of Earth's deceleration for the last 350 years, a reasonable agreement with intergalactic data can be achieved. On the other hand, if the altimetric data on tidal deformations are used, the effect of Lambda-term is substantially reduced but, nevertheless, remains significantly different from zero.  

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